Partner Organisations

Committed to a transnational network, we work together with partner organisations from several European countries. By doing so, we help the Network profit from a profound expertise and a plethora of perspectives coming from our partners.

The Network is coordinated by:

International, non-governmental and non-profit organisation, based in Berlin. Since the late 1990s, Austausch has been working with partners throughout Eastern and Central Europe in the fields of education, media, history, ecology, civic engagement and democracy, integration, human rights.

Activities of the Network are implemented together with partner organisations operating in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and Germany:

Non-profit association of Belarusians living in Germany, registered in 2020. The goals of RAZAM e.V. include, among others: being a strong lobby for a democratic Belarus, providing assistance to the victims of repressions, promotion of the Belarusian language and culture.
The organisation was established in 2020 and focuses on the provision of legal assistance for Belarusians and Ukrainians who were forced to migrate to Poland after 2020 / 2022. CBS runs a school for children of refugees and provides assistance to NGOs and activists.
Non-governmental organisation formed by active Belarusians during the 2020 presidential election campaign. It aims at building a politically active civil society in Belarus through civic education, engagement campaigns and supporting technological platforms for civil society actors.
A non-profit organisation founded in 2004 in Berlin, Germany. It’s mission is to support individuals and initiatives engaged in the implementation of human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Belarus.
Founded in 2001, a non-profit, non-partisan organisation based in Wroclaw, Poland. Its mission is to build Eastern Europe as a community of free people. It does so i.a. by running scholarship and educational programmes, organising public events, issuing magazines and thus shaping public debates about Central and Eastern Europe in Poland.
Professional community of researchers of politics in Belarus and Central and Eastern Europe founded in 2009. The Institute focuses on research and expert activities, publishing, organising public events. Community-building through managing PhD- and other educational programmes and reviewing academic and expert publications is also an integral part of its activities.
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